Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yucky or what? Thailand's 13 most totally and utterly repulsive dishes

Live shrimp, fermented oysters and red ants. Even Thais have trouble stomaching some of the country's most notorious delicacies

By Mark Wiens

Not all Thai food arrives at the table with a seductive appearance and sensational aroma. In fact there are quite a few dishes that not just foreigners but many Thais gag at the thought of eating. But as disgusting as the majority may find them, even the most horrifying of dishes have devout fans who consider them a delicacy they fantasize about daily. In honor of these culinary mavericks, here's a list of the most repulsive Thai dishes out there.

Goong Ten

Always wanted to know what it feels like to have tiny shrimp dance the cha-cha in your mouth? Try goong ten.
With a name that literally means "dancing shrimp," you'd better believe this dish is alive.  A frenzy-filled salad, goong ten is mixed in a metal bowl while the transparent little shrimp attempt in vain to wiggle their way to freedom.

Why some people love it: I'll be the first to admit that a spoonful of the dancing critters is both entertaining and delicious. After taking a bite, the shrimp rupture with saltiness and climax with a pleasant crunch.

Larb Leuat Neua

It's safe to say fans of this bloody dish aren't suffering from anemia. Diarrhea, on the other hand...
This dish basically consists of dull red raw beef embellished with sprigs of mint. But since the beef is not bloody enough on its own, the salad is fortified with a thick dressing of extra raw blood. It goes against what most of us consider common dining knowledge: it's not safe to eat raw beef mixed with uncooked blood. 

Why some people love it:  Nothing says manly like a spoon full of spiced blood paired with a nice big mug of ice-filled beer.

Som Tam Hoy Dong

Som tam hoy dong: Papaya salad with a revolting twist.
Whether it's the idea of eating fermented oysters soaked in blood red goop or the fear of eating a dish that is almost certain to result in a severe case of diarrhea, most foreigners and even quite a few Thais are reluctant to dine on som tam hoy dong.

Why some people love it: Judging by the fans of this dish that I've spoken with, the appeal of fermented oysters most likely develops in the early childhood years and sticks with them for life.

Gong Chae Nam Pla

Stop looking at me, prawn.
Raw mantis prawns soaked in fish sauce are a mean looking dish. Their claws, tentacles and bulging eyes stare at you as you attempt to slurp down their slimy flesh. To make the experience even worse, it's very easy to stab yourself as you reach your tongue into the shell to suck it all down.

Why some people love it: It's salty, fishy, spicy and slimy. If you find that combination of textures and tastes is alluring, you'll love goong chae nam pla.

Larb Mote Daeng

Ants aren't just for anteaters. Larb Mote Daeng might just be Thailand's most under-rated dish.
Red ants and their eggs are prized trophies in a number of Thai dishes. Blindfold a person, feed them a bite of red ant larb, and they will usually say it's delicious. But unfortunately, it's purely the idea of eating ant eggs that's to blame for most people's revulsion.

Why some people love it: Red ants eat mango leaves so their bodies taste like a squirt of lime. Their eggs, on the other hand, are fatty, like precious morsels of rich butter.  

Yam Kai Yeow Maa

Regardless if they're mixed in with a tasty Thai salad, old black duck eggs aren't going to please everyone's flavor buds.
This mixed Thai salad features duck eggs that have turned black and gelatinous due to the preserving process. Sounds gross, right?  Well, to all but a few, it really is. The eggs come with a unique, chalky aftertaste, a reminder that you ate something that should have been thrown out long ago.

Why some people love it: Bored of the usual hard boiled eggs, fans of yam kai yeow maa like the textures and pronounced taste.

Kai Khao

A big bin of duck egg embryos. Dig in.
Though more famous in the Philippines, Thailand does have a similar version of the notorious duck egg fertilized with an embryo. What appears to be a normal hard boiled egg actually takes you on a crunchy journey through odd textures that sometimes lead to regurgitation and the act of having to pluck feathers out of your teeth.

Why some people love it: It tastes just like a hard boiled egg but is a lot more entertaining to eat given the diverse flavors and textures.

Gaeng Sataw

What's in a name? A stink bean by any other name would smell as stinky.
There's always going to be a psychological barrier against a dish where the dominating ingredient is the "stink bean." If that's not enough to repulse the masses, the beans emit a gaseous sensation that could easily be mistaken for a human fart.  

Why some people love it:  Believe it or not, stink beans actually smell worse when they are far away than when they are sitting on the table before you. Though the beans don't have that much flavor, they are packed with a healthy dose of nutrients. For more of such adventurous cuisine, please visit CNNGo  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rahim Kendur & Terkeluar


Saya bukanlah pandai sangat hal ni. Saje je nak share apa yg ku baca. Bagi saya yang belajar bab mata ni setiap hari, selalunya akan terjumpa kes rabun dekat pada mereka yang usianya 40an. Puncanya adalah ligamen yang memegang kanta dalam mata telah menjadi kurang anjal dan kendur. Tapi itu mata, ia digunakan setiap hari.

Sangat berbeza dengan rahim kendur atau bahasa canggihnya ialah prolapse rahim. Ia berkaitan dengan ligamen juga tapi kekenduran ni adalah disebabkan proses kehamilan dan kelahiran. Nak buat mcm mana dah mengandung kendian beranak...kalaulah contohnya tangan kita pegang bendera, lama2 lenguh jugak kan...gitulah agaknya yang dalam badan kita ni...

Kesan dari kekenduran faraj ni adalah :
  • Gangguan pembuangan air kecil - sama ada kerap kencing, susah nak mulakan kencing, atau takleh nak control time nak kencing...ada sesetgh org, tgh sujud ke, ketawa ke, batuk bersin pun boleh terkencing.. ..huhu... kacau ni kalau gitu ek, ni dah masuk dalam masalah ibadah dah ni...
  • Gangguan hubungan kelamin - takleh nak kemut, byk faktor yang membawa kepada hal ini tapi ini satu daripadanya
  • Ketidakselesaan & sakit pinggang - especially masa byk berdiri dan berjalan, sebab bila rahim jatuh, ia akan tarik otot yang memegangnya dan selalunya urat di bahagian pinggang pun akan tertarik sekali...
  • Gangguan kesihatan - kalau dah sampai rahim terkeluar, ia mungkin akan tergesel dengan seluar dalam. Biasala kalau dah bergesel, musti la luka pulak kan..lepas luka, tengok2 kene jangkitan kuman jadilah keputihan pulak...kalau berpanjangan, maka mungkin pulak akan menyebabkan ketumbuhan.. huhu...
Punca prolapse pulak apakah??
  • Keturunan - mungkin seseorang tu mewarisi 'kelemahan atau kekuatan tisu, otot dan ligamen peranakan
  • Tak cukup zat makanan - mana lah otot tu nak dapat zat kalau kita pun tak cukup makan....haih nak kene makan banyak ni...
  • Senaman - sebenarnya senaman seblom dan selepas beranak ni penting oo...apsal saya tak pernah buat ha??
So, korang...mcm mana cara korang nak mengatasi masalah ni??
My Humble Words To Unite A Superb Ukhuwwah,
YM : sitisifir10

Monday, June 6, 2011


.Dalam Kehidupan.. 'Hati' Tidak Pernah Menipu dalam Menyuarakan sesuatu Kepada Insan..Tapi,Insanlah yang Seringkali Menipu apa yang DiSuarakan oleh 'Hati'..Jadi,Berhati-hati pada 'hati'..Kerana hati diperhati oleh Pencipta hati..Wallahualam..

2.Allah sentiasa menguji UmatNya Dalam Bentuk Kesenangan dan kesedihan..Terpulang Pada Insan untuk membalas ni'mat yang Allah Kurniakan..Kadang Bila Diberi satu Kesenangan,Insan Lupa Untuk Bersyukur..Kadang Bila Diuji Dengan satu Kesedihan,Insan Lupa Dengan kasih sayang Tuhannya..Sentiasalah Istiqamah Untuk Mensyukuri..Kerna janji Allah yang Sudah Pasti Itu sedang menanti..yakinlah Bahawa Pencipta Tidak Pernah Memungkiri Setiap janjiNya Pada Yang DicIpta..

Saat tersenyum....ada jua yang akan bersedih..
saat terrtawa..ada jua yang akan menangis...
Inilah WasIlah kehidupan...
bila ada kemanisan,Tentu ada jua Kepahitannya...
Bila ada Kebenaran,ada jua Kedustaannya...
akhir Kehidupan ini....
Tika Tibanya Pertemuan..Pasti Perpisahan akan datang menghampiri..
Dan Bukan Kehidupan namanya andai Kematian Bukanlah Akhirnya...
"Ya Allah..Jadikanlah Kematian HambaMu Ini dalam Keadaan Iman Yang Terpelihara..Dengan satu Pegangan Yang Diredhai..Serta Kesucian agamaMu..Ameen Ya Rabbal A'lameen...


RESEPI MUDAH UNTUK ORANG BUJANG Hari saya bawa bekal sarapan Tortilla Ayam Mayonis, nak makan kat rumah tk sempat...hhhh saya ni suka berm...